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You know that quote... "change the way you look at things and the things you look at change" by Wayne Dryer?

That's what I'm talking about.

When you look at your body as being the primary determinant of your worth...,

When you see the number on the scale or the tag in your jeans as a representation of your value...,

When you look at your body and all you see are flaws that need fixing and therefore you're not enough...,

Then what your body looks like will feel like a "make or break" for your happiness in life.

And you're left with fragile body image (not to mention a messed up relationship with food).

We've been taught that if we changed what we looked like (lost the weight, got the abs, firmed the cellulite) than we would feel okay & everything would be fine.

The problem with that though, is all it does is further attach your worth to your appearance.

So it doesn't actually work - at least not in the long run.

Rather, when you start to look at your body as just something you have not who you are...,

When you cultivate self-worth outside of your weight...,

And when you look at diet culture as being the problem and not your body...,

Things begin to change and you stop hating what you see in the mirror.

*You see- I didn't have to get rid of my cellulite to finally feel like I was worthy and enough (I still have loads of it), I had to stop seeing cellulite as something that defines my worth.

The key to positive body image is to shift your perspective on your body, not change your body in and of itself.

And I get that it is often easier said than done, which is why I created my group program_ Food Body Soul - to teach you how to get to this place of freedom & confidence- no diet or restriction necessary.

Check out the self-paced course here.

xo C

Body Image Recovery Resources

  • To learn more about the non-diet approach to healing your relationship with food, check out my free video training series HERE.

  • You can also check out my podcast, Love Your Bod Pod, on Apple, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

  • Lastly, you can also check out my books, or online course.

Let's start out with a little history! (Trust me 🙋‍♀️ I have a point) Back in 279 BC, Pyrrhus of Epirus won a most triumphant victory over the Romans in the Battle of Asculum. BUT the battle ended up destroying much of his forces, he lost his best soldiers, many of which were his family and dear friends. While a tactical victory, he had to end his campaign...the casualties were so great, the cost so high, that it outweighed the win itself. Although he was praised for winning the battle, he said that he never wanted to win again, he would preferred to have his family and friends. Today this is known as a 'Pyrrhic Victory' - "a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat" (Wikipedia) A false win because the costs are too high. The shrinking of your body size through an eating disorder is much the same. You might lose weight, you might get thin, and when all the compliments and praise start, when you can fit into the clothes, when you feel those hits of confidence, it will likely feel like a victory. But when you look at what it costs you to win the war against your weight, when you have no energy to devote to the things you care about, when it interferes with your relationships because you hide & lie & sneak around, when you can't focus at work or school, when you struggle to truly enjoy your life or feel joy, AND all you do is think about food and weight... You might start asking yourself, “is it really worth it?” When we lose weight, it feels like a win, but when the win costs you your life and well-being “it inflicts such a devastating toll, it's actually a defeat.” It's a false win. Take it from a girl who had an eating disorder for 10 years. It's a Pyrrhic Victory and not one worth fighting for. Choose recovery, choose your life 💕

xo C

Binge Eating Recovery Resources

To learn more about the non-diet approach to healing your relationship with food, check out my free video training series HERE.

You can also check out my podcast, Love Your Bod Pod, on Apple, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Lastly, you can also check out my books, or online course.

Diet Culture has tricked us into believing that weight loss = happiness.

But...., if making weight loss occur requires you to micromanage every bite you take, leaving you stressed, anxious and preoccupied with food, that isn't going to stop being the case simply because your body is smaller.

You'll be just as anxious, stressed, and preoccupied trying to keep it small.

Skipping social events, spending hours at the gym, compensating for any "slip up's," justifying not eating, earning anything you deem "bad," tracking every calorie or macro, freaking out over the slightest fluctuation on the scale.

Your self-esteem and body image will be as fragile as ever because you tighten the attachment of your worth (and happiness) to your weight.

The problem with this myth from diet culture (that thinness = happiness) is that the pursuit of shrinking your body almost always shrinks your life, too.

It's a tough truth, but sometimes the only way to truly be happy and have a fuller life with food freedom means having a fuller body, too.

xo C

Body Image & Binge Eating Recovery Resources

  • To learn more about the non-diet approach to healing your relationship with food, check out my free video training series HERE.

  • You can also check out my podcast, Love Your Bod Pod, on Apple, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

  • Lastly, you can also check out my books, or online course.


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